


Our body is a complex and wondrous machine.
When our body is healthy and balanced,
all systems function harmoniously and our lives flow.
However, When the body experiences some difficulty,
This means that there is a blockage in a certain place in our body.
The energy flowing in our body is stuck.

Because of the complexity of our body, Once one system is unbalanced,
It usually affects the other systems in our body as well.

How it can manifest in your life?
In most cases with a feeling I’m stuck, difficulties and even illness.

Depression is a disease that has emotional and physical manifestations

It can manifest in our lives in many forms, such as sadness and despair, low self-esteem, restlessness, frustration, poor mood, dissatisfaction with life, sleep disorders and eating disorders.

The length of time a person can suffer from depression varies.

Depression can be an event that lasts from a few weeks to a few months however sometimes depression can be chronic.

One thing is clear,
it hurts your lifestyle!


Are there early signs of depression?

Although it is sometimes difficult to diagnose it, the answer is yes

Are there also common physical signs that can indicate depression?

The physical symptoms

The most common physical symptoms are pain and vague sensations which include sleep disturbances, digestive problems, back pain, fatigue, eating disorders, chronic joint pain and limb pain.

What is the relationship between depression and physical signs?

It turns out that there is a connection between them

The neurotransmitters that affect pain and mood are the same (Serotonin and norepinephrine).

What is the cause of the onset of depression?


Depression can be inherited when the chances of suffering from depression increase if you have a relative who suffers from depression.


It can result from a neurological difficulty such as an imbalance in substances called neurotransmitters.


It can be linked to hormones that also affect the thyroid gland.

Traumatic Event

It can result from traumatic events
(Such as abuse at a young age)

A Tragic Event

Such as the loss of a loved one.

How can the clinic help you?

Hormonal Balance

First and foremost, you should check if there is a need for hormonal balance treatment that allows you to balance the hormones in your body. In many cases, this balance is all your body needs.

Allergy Release

Allergy to change for example. Or an allergy of your body to release the depression that is flooding you. What happens in such a situation? You try and try, go to this and that therapist, take supplements and nothing changes, or the situation changes for a short time and returns to normal. Why ? Because in terms of your subconscious and your body, this allergy protects you and has an important role in your life. Is it possible to change the situation?

The butterflies of Light cards

Unique treatment cards that allow you to treat yourself to different and varied issues

How do I know what I need?
What to choose?
We invite you to contact us
And check suitability for treatment
Which is individually tailored for you.

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