


What’s unique about the ‘Special Edition’ kit?
How is it different from other cards?
Most cards are used in order to receive messages.
These cards actually provide a treatment!

Until now, you had to visit a therapist in order to receive a treatment.
Now you have another option!
You have the ability to treat yourself!

Would you like to have a better
knowledge of the cards?

Would you like to
experience the
Butterflies of Light treatment?

What treatments can you get with the help of the cards?

Quick and accurate direction!

The cards can enable you to receive immediate answers to questions regarding various issues in your life.

Immediate treatment! Wherever you are, on a train, at work, a conference, or at home.

Do you feel that right now you need calmness? Appreciation? Wealth? Fulfillment?
Simply pull out the right card and you can get immediate treatment for the issue you choose.

Help your kids!

Do you feel that your child feels underestimated, undervalued, or has a lack of confidence?
Lack of joy?
With the help of the cards the feeling can be improved immediately.

Help your patients!

Want to quickly get to the reason why your patient is experiencing a particular difficulty?
Use the exact messages that the cards allow you.

Receive 26 different treatments!

With this kit, you can receive
26 different daily treatments.
to be used on issues where you experience
difficulties in your life.

Can the card also help me with other things? Of course!

With these cards, you can summon into your life 26 different treatment options, increase the wealth in your life as well as your ability to achieve success and fulfilment!

As soon as you place the cards nearby, you have the option to help yourself change the reality of your life.

For example, if you place the 'Wealth' Card in your wallet, the treatment will pull into your life additional types of wealth; Financial wealth, love, an abundance of joy, a wealth of energy, and confidence, as a start – all according to the wealth you need at that moment.

The cards can also help you improve the feeling in your personal and business environment!

Do you feel that your home requires calmness? Joy?  Love?  Your  work  environment  requires  support?

Maybe in the domain of success?  Or persistence?

Using the cards at home and at your workplace can help you improve your personal and business environment!

Want to change  The reality of your life  Now?  leave your details