
The World of the

Butterflies Of Light

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Butterflies of Light

This wondrous method has been developed in the Center over a long period of time.

I remember the first moment their energy came to me.

I was in the middle of treatment and all of a sudden, I felt their presence.

I noticed that the treatment was changing. The patient also noticed this, and their existing pain suddenly disappeared.

A feeling of stress and tension was released.
The feeling was lighter.

From that moment on, every time I worked with patients, this energy came through. Sometimes more clearly and sometimes less, but it felt like they were always there, helping us move forward. To improve life and to change realities.

For about a year the Butterflies allowed me to discover more frequencies.
Whenever I thought that that was it, that is the method, they showed me there was more.
That their integration can create amazing treatments for us.
Each time more and more tiers were added until the whole puzzle came together and this unique treatment method, which works successfully in the clinic, was created.

And today...

It is time for the butterflies to spread their wings, to fly beyond the clinic’s walls and allow you to enjoy the beauty and care they bring to anyone who asks.

How do they work?

Easily, simply, and quickly.

Our world operates on flows of energy.
When the energy is not flowing, an energy blockage is created, and you experience problems, difficulties, and delays.

The idea can be illustrated by the production of electricity using windmills.
The wind rotates the blades which drive the rotor.
Its motion produces an electric current which is fed into the power grid.
In the Golan Heights you can find several such stations that provide clean electricity to the residents.

A single wind farm does not provide much electricity, but a set of such stations certainly allows for change.
If the wind is regular the stations generate electricity.
However, if the wind is irregular, the production of electricity will be disrupted and there may be difficulties and disruptions in the production and supply of electricity.
The disruption in the flow of energy will impair many aspects of life.
The same applies to an energy blockage.

If, for example, you went through a traumatic event related to the issue of serenity in your life, the trauma can leave a physical imprint in the form of a contracted muscle, illness, difficulties, patterns and beliefs that manage you and do not allow you to move forward. It’s like a little voice in your head that interferes with your daily routine.

And what is happening in reality?
You have difficulty achieving serenity in your life.

How does the treatment help you change the situation?

It allows you to instantly get the treatment you need now. Once the treatment starts working, the body gets more options and new ways of acting in the context of the treatment issue you have activated.

Let’s illustrate the idea with an example:

A person experiences difficulty in being able to process a particular event.
This issue bothers him but  he thinks he controls it, however it is still difficult for him to think clearly about the event and issue created.
It is difficult for him to handle it himself. He is frozen.
He is stuck in a loop.

For example, a person who does not have money at the moment.
No money – need to work – need a car to get to work – need money to buy a car – no money.
When you are in the loop it is difficult for you to see additional options and/or it seems some options are not open to you.

What does the treatment do?

It creates a kind
of a “loophole”
inside the loop.

It opens
a new possibility.

It creates
a way out.

For example, following the start of treatment, the uncle of the man in the example above may agree to lend him his vehicle for a month so he can get to work, make money, and buy another car.
The bank will approve a loan that it had previously refused to grant.
The man will get another job, not as good, but close to where he lives.
He will start working there for a short time, save money and with that money will purchase the vehicle that he will used for getting the better job.

The possibilities that can occur following the activation of the treatment are many.
But what they all have in common is – getting out of the loop and creating new options and ways to behave differently!
So, welcome to the wonderful world of the Butterflies of Light
With their help you can help yourself and those around you, and improve your life.

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