
Chronic Throat Infection

Let me tell you a secret, that nobody has told you:
Yes! It is possible to change your health condition!

Our body communicate with us in a unique way. 
We usually experience pain or illness when our bodies try to tell us that something is wrong. 
When your body uses the throat to communicate with you, try to understand why.

We are able to express our truth, feelings, desires, and needs through our throat. 

Talking too much or avoiding expressing our feelings can lead to throat infections. 
Consider what happened before the sore throat started. 
You said too much and were worried that speaking would hurt you?
Were you afraid to say what you wanted to say?

Do you believe you deserve great things?
Do you feel unworthy?
Is there a reason you deny yourself the right to express your needs? 

It is also important to consider the location of the ignition. Does the pain occur on the right or left side?  Each side refers to a different cause of inflammation. 

Do you want to know what your body is telling you and understand the cause of inflammation? 
We’re here to help!
Let’s discuss your needs and we’ll come up with a plan that suits you. 


Courses & Programs to improve your situation

Solve right now, any problem at the source that may prevent you from reaching your prosperity in your life.
With unique courses and programs developed at the center, you have the ability to help your body improve your economic condition, by treating allergies and body toxins.
The courses and programs are open for you 24/7 on your personal page and you can activate them from the comfort of your home.

Do you want to find the course that can help you move fowared in your life?

Medium/Long-Term course: I’m Healthy: A 12 week course that will bring a deeper knowledge and deeper treatments about improving your health condition.


Personalized Treatments

Have you tried other treatment methods to approach this problem yet? Did these methods help over time? 

Do not worry, if you answer is that you have already tried many and none of them have worked as you expected. 

Using our treatment methods, it is possible to create a personalized therapeutic program that will show your body how to cope with various difficulties. Whether they are, emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual problems. 

Receive the most accurate treatment suited to your needs! 

No generic treatments here!


Using our combination treatment methods, your body will receive the most accurate treatment for your condition at any given moment.


Customized Therapeutics Products

Receive treatments while sleeping or during your day-to-day activities.

Our ability to combine different treatment methods, means your body can receive the most accurate treatment at any given moment.
Sometimes the body needs intensive and focused
treatments which can be achieved with our products.

If you wish, you can see three main products for that purpose:

Choose the right energy for you. 
Let your body decide!

*My Heart is Full of Love*
Who is this treatment for? For everyone! We all need love! This unique treatment enables you to first improve the feeling of love you have towards yourself. The following stagenext step is improving your self-esteem! This specific Canvas offers treatment for everyone in the household who are affected and/or have been affected by a lack of love.

*My Heart is Full of Love (daily treatment)* – Intended for people who had experienced many difficulties in their lives, but are interested in improving the feeling of love in their lives. For people who wish to clear toxins from their body. It is also quite important to people who suffered with illnesses over the years.

*My Heart is Full of Love (treatment on a weekly basis)*: Intended for people who need love in their lives and feel lack of love in their environment.


Do you want to get personal advice that is tailored for you?

Please leave your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We will do our utmost to find a solutions that will work for you.

8 reasons
to choose this center

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Availability and Comfort

The courses and the programs are open to you 24/7 through your personal login page and allow you to receive the treatments from the comfort of your home, during any time of your day.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A line of Therapeutic Products

Over the years, a line of therapeutic products have been developed. These allow you to continue to receive treatments outside the center. i.e. improving a prosperity issue in your life.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Courses at Varying Levels

You can select the type of treatment you are interested in or are drawn to. You can engage from whatever stage of life you are in, decide how deep you want to go and the price you choose to invest. We are here to help you.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Convenient payment plans will allow you to help your body through the various treatment options that you need but also make sure you are able to manage financially.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


As an example, the program "I'm Healthy". The price for this program without my personal accompaniment is US$327 for 12 therapeutic lessons. So each treatment costs you only US$27 per week.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Therapeutic Courses

The courses themselves are therapeutic and can replace the need (in most cases) of the physical treatments in the center.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


We offer a large variety of treatments in our center, so it easier to tailor accurate personal care for you to address any specific difficulty you may be experiencing. In addition, the treatments are possible remotely and through zoom, saving you both time and money.

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


You can cancel the program up to 2/3 weeks after you have begun the course and still get your money back!

Are you ready
to alter your reality?